Saturday, September 12, 2015

Again and Again on Antonelli

Another update on the Antonelli affair. For earlier posts, see:
  1. Lou Antonelli Loses the Plot ... and Finds it Again
  2. More on Antonelli ...
  3. And Again on Antonelli
  4. Hugo Odds and Sods ... and Casual Homophobia
  5. The Antonelli Affair ... Again
At the end of last month, Lou Antonelli posted a couple of additional insights into his actions on facebook. First, with regard to allegations that he threw Carrie Cuinn under the bus, Antonelli writes:
A couple of last observations on the Setting the Record Straight front:

When I said a certain editor of a certain magazine rescinded the acceptance of a story over the David Gerrold incident, she said I made the information public so that she would be attacked by flying monkeys or something like that.

That's a lie.

I thought she would get credit for what she did, and I felt it would be a good example for other people in the future not to do what I did. I literally don't know anyone who would want to attack her for what she did. I mean, I don't know if what she says happened, happened. But that wasn't my intent.
As I have noted elsewhere, I believe Antonelli when he says that he did not intend to harm Carrie Cuinn when he made his post. However, does he really need to implicitly invalidate Cuinn's claims by writing "I don't know if what she says happened"? Why not just accept that it happened and apologize?

For what it is worth, Cuinn seems to have moved on in the best possible way, tweeting after the Hugo Awards were announced:
Second, on the report that he tried to get a commentator fired, Antonelli writes:
There is a government lawyer who works in Washington D.C. who says that, after he called me - as well as Brad Torgersen, Larry Correia and John C. Wright - assholes on twitter I tried to get him fired.

That's a lie.

I called his office and complained about him, let them know what he did and what kind of person he is, and I did make a complaint. I never called for his termination.

As it happened, I was going through Washington D.C. on my way to the Ravencon convention at the time, and I thought that - to save postage - I would drop my complaint off where he worked. Someone let me know what you don't drop into a federal office building like you do a small county Courthouse in Texas, and I put my complaint in the mail.

In both these cases, these people accused me of "doxxing" them by disclosing their names, to preserve their delicate little sensibilities, I won't bring them up again.
It is hard for me to believe that Antonelli thought that complaining to a person's employer would not be viewed as an attempt to get them fired. And even if he was only trying to get them censured, it is still inappropriate behavior.

But maybe he really is that clueless? I don't know.  I kind of want to believe that he is simply clueless, because elsewhere on facebook Antonelli has proven to be quite amusing. Witness this:
Last month one of the Sad Puppy critics said on Twitter that "Lou Antonelli is a fascist dickbag and loathsome human being."

Later, I replied. "Hey, I live in Texas. Does that make me The Fascist Gun in the West?"

He later replied, "God help me, I actually laughed at this."
and this:
The way I've been attacked by some people in the science fiction community reminds me of something my Italian grandfather said a long, long time ago:

"I'm more proud of my enemies than my friends. My enemies spread my reputation. My friends just borrow money."

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